
The Australian Psychological Society recommends an hourly rate of $280 per session.  However, we aim to keep our fees reasonable and rates are set substantially below this.

Appointments are 50 min in duration.

Counselling: Initial consultations are $320 and subsequent appointments are $230.

Fees for other services are available upon request. Fees are subject to change.


Appointments are typically available between 9am to 3pm on weekdays.

If you would like to book a session you may:

  1. For New Clients: Call Michelle on 0459599447.  There is no reception support.  Michelle will answer if she can, but if not please leave a message and she will call you back as soon as possible.
  2. Michelle will then ask you to send a text to 0459599447 with your first name, your child’s name (if the appointments will be for your child) and your email address, with a little message indicating that you would like to book a session.
  3. Once this information has been received, intake forms will be sent to your email address and depending on mutual availability an appointment will be booked.


Medicare: The psychological services at Strive to Thrive Psychology are registered under Medicare.  Clients referred to us under the GP Mental Health Care Plan, may receive up to 10 treatment sessions per year subsidised by Medicare.  Ask your GP or Paediatrician for further information regarding referrals.  Click here to view a fact sheet

Under the Helping Children with Autism (Medicare) program, a child can be referred by a consultant pediatrician or psychiatrist for the following allied health services:

  • up to four diagnostic/assessment services delivered by psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, audiologists, optometrists, orthoptists or physiotherapists to assist the referring practitioner with diagnosis or to contribute to a child’s treatment and management plan (for a child under 13 years of age).
  • up to twenty treatment services delivered by psychologists, speech pathologists, occupational therapists, audiologists, optometrists, orthoptists or physiotherapists (for a child under 15 years of age, providing a treatment and management plan is in place before their 13th birthday).

Medicare Safety Net Threshold:  The Medicare Safety Net Threshold provides financial assistance for individuals and families who accrue high out-of-pocket expenses for out-of-hospital Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) services. Once you have reached your Medicare Safety Net Threshold you may be eligible for additional medicare rebate assistance for MBS services for the remainder of the calendar year. You can find more information on the Medicare Safety Net Threshold at www.humanservices.gov.au

Individuals with a diagnosed Autism Spectrum Disorder, who hold a Health Care Card from Centrelink, are eligible for a reduced Medicare Safety Net Threshold to assist with the costs of health care services.

Private Health Insurance: You may be eligible to claim rebates for therapy through your private health insurance provider.  Please speak directly to your private health insurance fund for further information regarding your eligibility.

Strive to Thrive Psychology also welcomes NDIS self-managed and plan-managed funded clients.

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