Behavioural Assessment
Formal Behavioural Assessment
Screening for some psychological conditions, such as mood disorders, and behavioural disorders, such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Attention Deficit Disorder can be undertaken with a formal behaviour assessment.
A Formal Behavioural Assessment typically includes:
- An initial parent interview (50 min) to gather some history about your child and their development.
- The Assessment process:
- A classroom/ kindergarten observation (50 min).
- Parental and Teacher questionnaires provided to assess social-emotional-behavioural functioning.
- A detailed assessment report of findings from background information provided, observations made and scores from provided measures will formulate the basis for any diagnosis made within the guidelines of the DSM-IV. Additionally, tailored behavioural and educational recommendations for your child will be provided.
- A feedback session (30-50 min) to discuss your child’s assessment and answer any questions you may have.
This assessment is sometimes done in addition to an educational assessment, however, can be done in isolation if previous assessments with the past 2 years have been completed.
Such an assessment is useful for funding applications under the criteria of a Severe Behaviour Disorder.
Functional Behavioural Analysis
Determining the function of behaviour is important when problematic behaviours are interfering with an individual’s opportunity to learn and engage with others. Therefore, a Functional Behavioural Analysis is most useful in reducing problematic behaviour.
A Functional Behavioural Analysis typically involves:
- An initial parent interview (50 min) to gather some history about your child and their development.
- The Assessment process:
- A classroom/ kindergarten observation (50 min), with particular attention paid to the antecedent, behaviour and consequence of actions during the observational period.
- Parental and Teacher questionnaires provided to assess social-emotional-behavioural functioning.
- A detailed behavioural guide will be provided which outlines the function of the behaviour and a plan to improve the targeted behaviour using the Prevent, Teach, Reinforce method.
- A feedback session (30-50 min) to discuss your child’s assessment and answer any questions you may have.